Friday, 15 March 2013

MULTIFOR woodfuel conference - free places available for selected delegates

The final conference for the MULTIFOR (Multi-Functional Forestry) project will take place in Amiens in France on April 10th and 11th.

This EU ERDF funded project has been active since 2010 and has explored a range of topics ranging from woodfuel (hence the Kent Downs Woodfuel Pathfinder), adaptation of forestry management in a changing climate and  improving public access in private woodlands.

The conference will include speakers from a range French and English organisations involved in both research and the practical application of new approaches that promote multi-functional woodland management.

Interreg IV A Eligible Area
The Pathfinder project can fund a limited number of delegates (maximum 15).  

This includes travel (by coach) to and from Amiens and overnight accommodation and breakfast (lunches will be provided by the conference organiser).

If you are interested in attending please call Matthew Morris on 01303 815 171 as soon as possible to discuss.

To qualify for a funded place it is preferable that you:

  • Have a demonstrable connection with woodland management, woodfuel, climate change in forest ecosystems, public access in woodland or multi-functional woodland management in general.
  • Work in the eligible area for the Interreg IV A 'two seas' programme (see map above)
  • Can commit to attending the conference on April 10th and 11th.

Full details of the conference are below.  Please do note hesitate to call to discuss attending the conference (01303 815 171).