Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Renewable Heat Premium Payment for Communities

Our friends at Oxford Renewables have kindly summarised the key points of the RHPP2 scheme (Renewable Heat Premium Payment) which focuses on community-scale projects.

Scheme Aims:

'The RHPP Community Scheme aims to provide communities with the opportunity to cost-effectively organise local buying groups for renewable heating systems, potentially accessing bulk discounts and facilitating easier deployment for installers... 

The scheme is targeted at making renewable heating affordable for middle to low income households... RHPP2 Communities Scheme also aims to maximise carbon reduction by reaching homes with high carbon, expensive heating system (especially for those off the gas network) and ensuring that heating system are installed after or alongside energy efficiency measure.'


'...legally constituted community benefit organisations or community groups. all lead organisations must have a community benefit structure... aims to support low to middle income homes... communities connected to the mains gas network are... less likely to be funded'

Stage 1 application

'...will be open from 24th July to 7th September...communities should be able to explain what they would like to achieve, identify who they think they will need to work with, what they think they will be able to deliver successfully.'

Project Co-development stage:

'...Proposals will include details of the number of installations to be funded, level of funding required and details of the group will work with households and the private sector... there will be two sets of workshops to help groups through the process'

Stage 2 application:

Applicants wil be able to set their own value for household capital grants up to maximum levels across different technologies (equivalent between 10% and 40% of capital cost depending on how well your project meets the scheme criteria)... applications will be scored against the following criteria:

  • value for money
  • innovation and replicability
  • legacy and learning
  • deliverability

Implementation stage:

'...grants will be paid on completion of installations and themajority of the work will ned to be complete by 31st March. However, groups will be allowed to complete the last 35% of their installations by the end of June 2013 as long as 65% of their installations are complete and grant claimed by 31st March. 

Funding for renewable heat installations will be paid direct to householders on completion of their installation.

The scheme is being administered by the Energy Saving Trust - click here for full details.

Eligible technologies:

  • Solar thermal panels
  • Heat pumps (air to water, ground source or water source, excluding air to air and exhaust air heat pumps)
  • Biomass Boilers


1. Areas that are most likely to attract funding.

2. These are groups that have already received grants to determine available energy efficiency measures and that may be interested in this programme too.

3. Using this tool will help identify the area within which the community has to be located to attract the funding.

4. FAQs

5. Energy Saving Trust RHPP2 pages.

6. DECC policy web pages.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog. Thanks for sharing this informative information.
    Solar water heating systems use solar panels, called collectors, fitted to your roof. These panels collect heat from the sun and use it to warm water which is stored in a hot water cylinder. There are two types of solar water heating panels, evacuated tubes and flat plate collectors. A boiler or immersion heater can be used as a back up to increase water temperature above that set by the cylinders thermostat at times when the solar water heating system does not reach that temperature.
    Biomass is an attractive proposition from both an environment and financial point of view. There are currently a number of UK incentives for the use of biomass.
    The pollutants produced in the making and also burning of biomass are significantly lower in comparison to wood or other fuels.
