Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Renewable Heat Incentive is open for business

DECC has now announced the launch of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme and Ofgem's systems are now open and available to accept applications.

We have had a initial look at the online application process and it appears to be relatively simple.  However, you will need all paperwork close at hand (in electronic format) to increase the chances of completing the process in one sitting.  You can of course save the application and return later if you need to source additional information.

A few points of interest:
  • The person applying should be the authorised signatory for the organisation
  • You will need details of a valid bank account and proof that the bank account provided is held in the name of the organisation/company (e.g. copy of a bank statement which shows the account name, address, sort code and account number with financial information blackened out)
  • For 'simple' schemes Ofgem will respond within 20 working days
  • For 'complex' schemes Ofgem will reply within 30 working days
  • You will need to apply for preliminary accreditation if you installation date is greater than one month from the present (application) date AND your biomass boiler is over 200kWth (i.e. medium scale and above)
  • You will need to attach (or post) a series of documents so it would be worthwhile ensuring these are all at hand before you start.
  • You will need to be able to separate capital costs from non-direct costs (i.e. installer costs, planning costs and anything not attributable directly to the purchase or construction of the physical plant)
For further information, useful links and details on how to apply to the scheme please visit the RHI website: http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/RHI.

For a summary of some of the documents and information which participants may be required to submit please refer to the following document “Summary of supporting information for RHI applicants”:

If you have any queries please contact the Ofgem E-Serve RHI Team on 0845 200 2122. The helpline opening hours are 8:30am until 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 8:30am until 4:30pm on Fridays.

Alternatively, you can send an email to RHI.Enquiry@Ofgem.gov.uk.  It is recommended that complicated enquiries are sent via email.

Good luck!

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